Your community’s fitness center offers pilates classes for tenants. After reading studies showing that pilates classes are dangerous for kids, you implement a new rule banning children under age 18 from participating in the classes. Is this a legitimate...
We’ve explained how managing lead paint hazards can lead to liability for family status discrimination and the seven rules to follow to manage those risks. Now it’s your turn to apply these principles to real-life situations that may actually arise if your own community contains lead...
We’ve explained how seemingly neutral rules designed to prevent overcrowding and unsafe and unsanitary conditions can get you into fair housing law hot water. We’ve also described the major liability risks and what you should do to avoid them when developing and enforcing occupancy...
You want to prevent kids from drowning by requiring them to be responsibly supervised when using the pool. Local ordinances stipulate that all children under 14 must be supervised to use a public pool. Which is the least restrictive way to...
Drowning is the second leading cause of death for children in the U.S, behind only motor vehicle crashes. The vast majority of fatal drownings involving kids ages 1 to 4 happen in swimming pools. In many of these incidents, the victim is a child who couldn’t swim who somehow gained...
We’ve given you 10 rules on how to avoid fair housing claims based on familial status. Now let’s look at how the rules might apply in the real world. Take the Coach’s Quiz to see what you’ve learned.
INSTRUCTIONS: Each of the following questions has only...
We’ve given you seven rules on how to avoid fair housing trouble at senior housing communities. Now let’s look at how the rules might apply in the real world. Take the Coach’s Quiz to see what you have learned.
In this month’s lesson, the Coach reviews fair housing rules governing senior housing communities. Fair housing law generally prohibits discrimination based on familial status, but there’s a limited exception that applies to senior housing communities that...