
July 2024 Coach's Quiz

June 24, 2024    


A tenant screening company recommends denying an applicant on the basis of a prior eviction. The attached eviction records show that the former landlord sought to evict the tenant for violating its zero-tolerance domestic violence policy after she was...

Avoid Discrimination When Using AI-Based Tenant Screening Services

June 24, 2024    

HUD warns landlords about their liability risks.



Tenant screening has become a $1 billion industry. Like many landlords across America, you may look to third-party screening companies to gather and analyze key information about rental prospects and issue a...

June 2024 Coach's Quiz

May 23, 2024    


A landlord committed to fair housing compliance instructs its ad platform provider to ensure that its digital advertising reaches the broadest possible audience. The ad platform uses audience selection tools based on machine learning functions that target ads...

HUD to Landlords: Make Sure Your Digital Ads Don’t Discriminate

May 23, 2024    

Follow our five best practices when using AI-based digital ad platforms.



Savvy use of digital media for marketing purposes can be a game changer for landlords. But it can also get them into fair housing trouble. The same artificial intelligence (AI) and...

August 2022 Coach's Quiz

July 18, 2022    

We’ve explained the new HUD Guidance and outlined the strategies for putting them into action. Now it’s your turn to test how well you’ve learned the material and whether you can apply it to real-life situations by taking the Coach’s Quiz below. Each of the following...

Use New HUD Guidance to Keep Your Marketing, Application & Screening Compliant

July 18, 2022    

We’ll give you six strategies you can implement to put the guidance principles into action.


January 2022 Coach's Quiz

December 23, 2021    


Which of the following phrases is it NOT appropriate for a landlord to include in an online ad for a property in Stanley Town, a neighborhood known for being almost entirely white?

a.         ...

Avoiding Inadvertent Discrimination When Advertising Your Community

December 23, 2021    

In today’s highly competitive rental market, effective advertising is crucial to attracting the right renters. But for these very same reasons, your advertising and marketing practices can get you into fair housing hot water. The advertising media you select and the message you craft may...

September 2018 Coach's Quiz

August 15, 2018    

We’ve given you five rules to follow to avoid fair housing problems when advertising online. Now let’s look at how the rules might apply in the real world. Take the ...

How to Avoid Discrimination Claims When Advertising Online

August 15, 2018    

In this lesson, we’re going to review the fair housing rules as they apply to advertising your community, most of which is probably done online now. Although communities still run print ads in newspapers and apartment guides and on billboards, a large part of their marketing effort is...

August 2015 Coach's Quiz

July 7, 2015    

We’ve given you nine rules for complying with fair housing rules that ban discriminatory statements. Now let’s look at how the rules might apply in the real world. Take the COACH’s Quiz to see what you have learned.

INSTRUCTIONS: Each of the...

Complying with Fair Housing Rules Banning Discriminatory Statements

July 7, 2015    

In this lesson, the Coach reviews fair housing rules banning discriminatory statements. The rules apply to discriminatory advertising, but there’s more to it than that, since they apply to all kinds of statements, including: