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Legal Update 2008: Recent Court Decisions on Fair Housing Law

March 19, 2008    

In this special issue of Fair Housing Coach, we look at some recent cases decided by federal and state courts on fair housing law. Keeping abreast of what's happening in the courts can help you learn from the experiences of other communities to better prevent—or respond to...

March 2008 Special Issue Coach's Quiz

March 14, 2008    

We have summarized some recent court decisions on fair housing law. Now let's look at how the rulings might apply in the real world. Take the COACH's Quiz to see what you have learned. 

INSTRUCTIONS: Each of the following questions has only one correct...

Personnel: Your First Line Of Defense Against Fair Housing Claims

February 10, 2008    

This month, we are going to put the focus on your staff as your first line of defense against fair housing claims. The potential for a fair housing problem is inherent in the many ways your staff interacts with prospects, applicants, and residents—answering phone calls, marketing and...

February 2008 Coach's Quiz

February 1, 2008    

We have given you six rules for personnel as your first line of defense against fair housing claims. Now let's look at how the rules might apply in the real world. Take the COACH's Quiz to see what you have learned.

INSTRUCTIONS: Each of the following questions has...

Getting and Using Adequate Fair Housing Insurance Coverage

October 10, 2007    

This month, we are going to teach you about liability insurance that covers housing discrimination. This is important because even if you follow every lesson in Fair Housing Coach, someone someday may claim that you or your community discriminated against him in violation of fair housing...

October 2007 Coach's Quiz

September 30, 2007    

We have given you seven rules to follow to help you make sure you have fair housing discrimination insurance coverage and use it properly. Now let's look at how the rules might apply in the real world. Take the COACH's Quiz to see what you have learned.


How to Deal with Troublesome Residents

April 10, 2007    

This month, we are going to help you handle residents who cause trouble in your community—either to other residents, the property, or you and your staff—without your violating fair housing laws.

Residents have been known to vandalize or damage community...

April 2007 Coach's Quiz

March 31, 2007    

We have given you 11 rules to follow to show you how to deal with troublesome residents without violating fair housing law. Now let's look at how the rules might apply in the real world. Take the COACH's Quiz to see what you have learned.

INSTRUCTIONS: Each of the...

How to Handle a HUD Fair Housing Investigation

February 11, 2007    

This month, we will tell you how to deal with a HUD investigation based on a complaint that you or your community discriminated against someone protected by fair housing law.

These days, filing a fair housing complaint is easy. On the HUD Web site, ...

February 2007 Coach's Quiz

February 1, 2007    

We have given you eight rules to follow to help you prepare for and deal with a HUD investigation based on a fair housing discrimination complaint. Now let's look at how the rules might apply in the real world. Take the COACH'S QUIZ to see what you have learned.


How to Reject Applications Without Violating Fair Housing Law

December 11, 2006    

This month we are going to show you how to reject applications without violating fair housing law.

You have the right to reject applications when they do not meet your community's screening criteria. If, for example, an applicant can't show that he can afford...