COACH's Pop Quiz!

Q: Which of following characteristics are protected under federal fair housing law?

a.         Race.

b.         National Origin.

c.         Marital Status.

d.         Sex.

e.         Sexual Orientation.

f.          Familial Status.

g.         Age.

h.         Color.

i.          Disability.

j.          Source of Income.

k.         Religion.





A: a, b, d, f, h, i, k

Federal fair housing law bans housing discrimination because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, familial status, or disability (though the others may be protected classes under state or local law).

In the May 2016 lesson, the Coach reviews the basics of fair housing law, including what the law says, who is protected, and who may be liable for fair housing violations. Whether you’re new to the industry or a seasoned veteran, it’s important to understand how the law protects prospects, applicants, and residents so you can recognize—and avoid—the pitfalls that commonly lead to fair housing trouble. The May lesson, “Spring Leasing Season: Time for a Fair Housing Refresher,” is available to subscribers here.

